Drainage Systems
Water management involves a holistic review of your property to ensure water is properly relocated either underground or back into the atmosphere. This is typically part of our landscape design and construction projects or planned by a drainage engineer and implemented by our team.
Advanced Drainage Systems & Solutions
Experience and common sense are crucial to solving drainage system problems. Although much science goes into calculating the stormwater runoff requirements of a particular site, the frequency, intensity and duration of rainfall can be difficult to predict precisely. Trust Horizon Landscape Company to install the correct drainage systems in your yard. We’ve been in business and serving Bergen County and the surrounding areas in New Jersey for over 45 years.
Don’t let your valuable landscape investment wash away!

Surface Drainage Solutions
Surface drainage solutions are employed when we are able to able to evacuate surface water using soil grading techniques or river rock swales to divert storm water to the appropriate evacuation points.
Subsurface Drainage Solutions
Subsurface drains are employed in a number of cases. The most common subsurface drainage are connecting roof downspouts and surface drain boxes and running underground pipes to a recharge system or daylighting at an appropriate evacuation point. French drains are also utilized to help evacuate ground water and surface storm water to the appropriate evacuation point. Subsurface drainage solutions are typically employed in more complex scenarios and solve issues with surface storm water as well as ground water.
Drainage Solutions
Adequate drainage is a major influence on proper water management therefore we require a landscape engineer to be consulted before any drainage issues are addressed. Majority of our drainage work is performed as part of our complete landscape project.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. (Isaiah 42:3)
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