The twinkling lights of Christmas illumine the darkness of barren landscapes. Stark, empty branches wrapped in lights suddenly become beacons of hope and inspiration, pointing us to the stars. Christmas lights up the night.
This light creates small glimmers of wonder – stirring something deep in our souls that is hard to define. We string our trees, our homes, our shrubs, and just about anything else we can drape some lights over to maximize this glittering effect. We spend time and money driving around looking at the lights. In whispered, hushed tones, we point out the beauty, whimsy, and delight of each lighted decoration. We cannot help but smile.
This gazing with wonder at the lights of Christmas is not new. Many Christmases ago, shepherds stood out in a field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. An angel of the LORD appeared to them, and the glory of the LORD shone around them. The host of heaven lit up the night sky. And the shepherds were afraid. But God’s light is not meant to frighten us. It is meant to enlighten us. God reveals Himself to us as THE LIGHT. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Are you overcome by darkness? By sadness, despair, and fear? These feelings are sadly common at Christmastime. But you were not created to live in the dark. Christ shines in the darkness of our souls, revealing our sin to us and revealing Himself as the perfect light-giving solution. Our biggest problem is not the troubling problems of the world today. Our biggest problem is us.
Our sin keeps us in darkness and excludes us from the light of God. But God shines His light into the darkness, extinguishing the flames of fear, dread, and doubt, and igniting the fire of new life in Him. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we live as children of light.

The Light of the World is Jesus. Do you know Him? May He be the light of your heart this Christmas and illumine your path in the New Year.
From all of us at Horizon Landscape, thank you to our vendors and clients for another year of joyful working together to make Bergen County beautiful. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each of you and your loved ones.
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light, for the fruit of light consists in all, goodness, righteousness, and truth, and find out what pleases the Lord.”
Ephesians 5:8-9