2021 has been a year of resilience. As we pause to reflect on where we’ve been, we can think more clearly about where we’re going. The end of the year always brings a flurry of holiday activity that too easily distracts us from the simple act of reflection.
This has been another hard year. We have become reluctant masters of adapting, reinventing, and restructuring life around regulations and restrictions that we could never have anticipated previously. We have pushed through isolation, distance, and loss. And we are still moving, moving in the right direction, moving out of the restrictive life that has been our unwelcome normal. We long for normal, because normal creates consistency and comfort. We know what to expect.
In the long pandemic season, the familiar spaces of home became our consistent comfort in new ways. Modern busyness often means that home is simply our landing place – the place where we return to eat, crash, and sleep, just to rush out and do it all again. But in the past two years, home has truly become our safe haven, our resting place.
With home as the strong foundation of family gatherings and celebrations, what would you like to create, enhance, or restore in your home to make it the true haven you long for?
As 2021 closes and the possibilities of a brighter 2022 stretch out before us, this is the perfect time to set goals for improving our homes. Gathering indoors against the winter cold, we can dream of warmer weather and the beautiful outdoor sanctuaries we hope to enjoy.
What do you see you in your home’s future? A new patio, outdoor kitchen, or firepit with plenty of space to welcome family and friends? Do you see outdoor lighting, warmly glowing to guide your guests along inviting stone walkways and paths? Do you see a lush lawn and vibrant gardens, regularly watered by a newly installed sprinkler system?
At Horizon, our landscape designers, installation experts, and maintenance technicians will work from concept to completion and long-term maintenance so that you can do the simple, important work of gathering with family and friends in your home’s welcoming outdoor spaces when the weather warms.

Each December, consistency and comfort are found in Christmas, in the familiar celebration of the Christ-child, born as a baby, to bring us comfort and joy. The comfort that Christ brings is the true, soul-deep comfort of restored relationship with God because we know that our sins are forgiven through Christ’s shed blood. In Him, we have the assurance of eternal comfort and joy in our heavenly home.
We wish you, our customers and vendors, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2022. We are grateful for the opportunity to do business with you and look forward to another year of creating and maintaining beautiful outdoor spaces in Bergen County.
Sing, O heavens! Be joyful, O earth! And break out in singing, O mountains! For the LORD has comforted His people, and will have mercy on His afflicted.
Isaiah 49:13